Griffith and Wheat PLLC

Business Litigators & Counselors

Resolving Your High Stakes Legal Dispute Through Zealous Advocacy

Professional Licensing Representation

A professional license takes a lot of hard work, commitment, perseverance, and financial resources to obtain and maintain.  But it can only take one mistake to jeopardize your license.  Our litigation prowess extends to professional licensing representations.  We represent licensed professionals accused of professional misconduct in disciplinary actions before licensing boards and administrative bodies.  We work to resolve these issues through a stipulation with the attorney for the board, or when necessary, through an administrative hearing at which time a judge will be presented all of the evidence.

We have handled matters involving:

  • Fraud
  • OIG investigations
  • Grand Jury subpoenas
  • proceedings

Reach Us Today

For a trusted lawyer in Washington, DC and surrounding areas call The Griffith Law Group PLLC, at (202) 496-4963.

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